We are one of the 100 most responsible companies in Brazil. Discover the Merco ESG Responsibility ranking!
Merco (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor) has just published the special Merco Responsibility ESG 2021 ranking and our Company has been recognized as one of the most responsible companies in the country. The consultancy, which is one of the benchmarks in market reputation evaluation, reports that, this year, the survey expanded the coverage of indicators evaluated to include aspects of the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) acronym.
As the only Company in the gastronomic sector present in the ranking, we are ranked 64th, among companies from different sectors that also adopt exemplary socio-environmental practices. This result is related to the relevant and growing positive impact of our Recipe of the Future, which has gained more and more strength thanks to the work of a team dedicated to making a difference throughout the chain.
“Being recognized on a list of companies with a good reputation is always a source of pride, since this is only possible through practical and effective work, which is communicated with transparency. This is even more special in a specific ESG ranking. This is an achievement of a great team, which is committed to causing a positive impact in the chain and in all the communities where Arcos Dorados is present”.
Mariana Scalzo, Director of Corporate Communication of the Arcos Dorados Brazil Division
The study methodology included interviews with more than 2,300 people, including executives of large companies, specialists in corporate social responsibility, financial analysts, NGOs, trade unions, consumer associations, business journalists, government representatives and social network managers.
To view the complete Merco Responsibility ESG ranking, click here and consult our 2021 Social Impact and Sustainable Development Report.