Climate Change
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We are committed to minimizing the use of single-use plastics while ensuring the high-quality of our packaging. We continually innovate in designs to reduce material usage and promote recycling.
Nous disposons de plus de 2400 restaurants répartis en Amérique latine et les Caraïbes pour offrir à nos clients des moments de pure saveur et de qualité inégalable.
L’hygiène et la propreté sont la pierre de voûte de nos priorités s’agissant de la sécurité alimentaire. Parmi les nombreux protocoles mis en place, nos équipes se lavent les mains avec un savon antibactérien toutes les heures et s’appliquent en renfort toutes les 30 minutes un gel désinfectant.
Nous sommes engagés dans un processus de transition pour l’utilisation de matériaux concernant nos emballages provenant de sources renouvelables, recyclées ou certifiées.
Saviez-vous que McDonald’s est l’un des plus importants employeurs de jeunes dans la région? Parmi nos 95,000 collaborateurs répartis dans les 20 pays où nous sommes présents, plus de 64% ont entre 16 et 24 ans, et pour la plupart d’entre eux, c’est leur première expérience de travail déclaré.
Afin que tous nos produits satisfassent aux mêmes standards de saveur et de qualité dans le monde entier, nous disposons d’un centre d’Excellence sensoriel pour former et entraîner nos équipes et fournisseurs.
Rapprochez-vous de votre McDonald’s favori pour demander à faire le parcours Portes Ouvertes.
Nous impulsons et promouvons une culture d’entreprise inclusive et en faveur de la diversité, qui revendique en toutes circonstances le respect et l’égalité d’opportunités.
Nos équipes sont formées pour offrir le maximum de sécurité alimentaire.
Nous œuvrons jour après jour pour limiter, réutiliser et recycler nos déchets et contribuer de la sorte à la préservation de l’environnement. Parmi nos initiatives, nous trions les résidus, recyclons les huiles usées de cuisine et utilisons l’eau de pluie pour l’arrosage et les tâches de nettoyage.
Notre café provient de cultures exclusivement liées au développement durable, et certifiées par des organisations en faveur de la préservation de l’environnement telles que Rainforest Alliance.
La plupart des ingrédients que nous utilisons pour nos préparations proviennent de fournisseurs locaux qui satisfont aux standards les plus élevés en matière de sécurité alimentaire, qualité et développement durable.
Nos Chicken McNuggets sont élaborés exclusivement à partir de blanc de poulet d’une qualité irréprochable.*
*L’ensemble de nos fournisseurs de poulet signent une charte qui les engagent concernant l’origine de leur matière première, garantissant plus encore s’il en était besoin sa qualité.
Afin que les frites soient toujours croquantes en-dehors et tendres en-dedans, nous contrôlons rigoureusement la température et le temps de cuisson.
La Happy Meal a évolué, en proposant un menu plus équilibré et nutritif. Nous y avons incorporé des jus, des fruits et des légumes tout en réduisant le niveau de graisse et de sodium.
Nos hamburgers sont élaborés à base de viande 100% bovine de la meilleure qualité.*
*L’ensemble de nos fournisseurs de viande signent une charte qui les engagent concernant l’origine de leur matière première, garantissant plus encore s’il en était besoin sa qualité.
In our more than 2,400 restaurants in Latin America and the Caribbean, we offer millions of delicious feel-good moments, while always offering the best quality.
Hygiene and cleanliness are among our highest priorities to ensure food safety. Among many other protocols, our team washes their hands with antibacterial soap every hour and apply disinfectant gel every 30 minutes.
We are in the process of transitioning to 100% renewable, recycled or certified sources in our packaging.
Ask to take your Open Doors tour at your favorite McDonald’s.
Did you know that McDonald’s is one of the largest employers of young people in the region? Among our 95,000 employees spread across the 20 countries where we operate, more than 64% are between 16 and 24 years old, and for most of them this is their first formal work experience.
So that all our products meet the same standards of taste and quality around the world, we have a Sensory Center of Excellence that trains our teams and suppliers.
We encourage and promote a diverse an inclusive culture, always encouraging respect and equal opportunities.
Our team is trained to ensure maximum food safety.
We work every day to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste and thus contribute to the preservation of the environment. Among other initiatives, we sort waste, recycle cooking oil, and use rainwater for irrigation and cleaning.
100% of our coffee is sourced as certified by organizations such as Rainforest Alliance that promote environmental protection.
Most of the ingredients we use to prepare our delicious products come from local suppliers that meet the highest standards in terms of food safety, quality and sustainability.
Our Chicken McNuggets are made from 100% chicken breast of the best quality.
*All our poultry suppliers sign an affidavit about the origin of their raw material, thus guaranteeing the best quality.
The Happy Meal has evolved, offering a more balanced and nutritious menu. We incorporated juices, fruits, vegetables while reducing the level of fat and sodium.
So that the fries are always crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, we rigorously control the temperature and cooking time.
Our burgers are made from 100% beef of the highest quality *.
*All our meat suppliers sign an affidavit about the origin of their raw material, thus guaranteeing the best quality.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Our contribution: We recognize that everyone has a role in sustainable development, including Arcos Dorados employees, franchisees, suppliers, investors, NGOs and academics. Local communities and experts are essential for creating lasting impact. By fostering meaningful partnerships, we aim to address critical issues for our business and society, and drive innovation.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Our contribution: We were the first global restaurant chain to sign a global agreement to combat climate change, working within our supply chain to prevent deforestation.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Our contribution: We ensure responsible sourcing practices that protect marine environments and ecosystems.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Our contribution: With a presence in 20 countries, Arcos Dorados uses its scale to engage with the entire supply chain to address climate change effectively for present and future generations.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Our contribution: We are commitment to sourcing certified and recycled materials, eliminating single-use plastics and adopting circular economy practices to minimize our environmental impact.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Our contribution: As a leading employers of young people in the region, we provide first-job opportunities and continuous training to support their professional development.
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Our contribution: We are implementing changes in habits in our restaurants to ensure sustainable energy management.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Our contribution: We use various practices in our restaurants to manage water consumption effectively. In addition, through the Natal Program, we also reuse water for cleaning and irrigation tasks in the restaurants.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Our contribution: We remain strongly committed to providing training opportunities for all everyone, including employees and young people in their final years of secondary school.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Our contribution: We work to keep families with children receiving medical treatment together and close to specialists within the McDonald’s system. In addition, we are constantly evolving, providing changes in our menu offerings and alternatives to bring children to incorporate new habits into their daily lives.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; full and productive employment and decent work for all
Our contribution: We are one of the leading employers of young people in the region, offering extensive training, coaching and professional development programs. We actively promote inclusion and equal opportunities.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects
Our contribution: As a market leader present in 20 countries in the region, we are aware of our environmental responsibility. We collaborate with suppliers to promote the use of renewable energy and sustainable practices throughout our supply chain.
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Our contribution: We ensure our products come from certified sources, promoting environmentally friendly fishing practices.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Our contribution: We are the only company in the industry with a Deforestation-Free Beef Sourcing Policy. We continuously work with suppliers and partners to ensure responsibly sourced raw materials.
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Our contribution: In our restaurants, we take conserve water through different implementations, such as the use of flow reducers in kitchen and bathroom faucets. We also recover rainwater and condensation from air conditioners, reusing it for irrigation and cleaning.
Ensure access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy for all
Our contribution: We enhance energy efficiency in our restaurants through various initiatives such as the use of special glass, LED lighting and maximizing natural light. We also use energy-efficient air conditioners to insulate solar heat and work with suppliers to promote renewable energy and sustainable practices.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Our contribution: We source certified raw materials and implement processes to reduce our environmental impact. We promote circular solutions to extend the useful life of waste, encouraging recycling and subsequent reuse to benefit the environment and our communities.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Our contribution: We believe in working together for sustainable development. We continually establish strategic alliances with suppliers, franchisees and NGOs to address the most impactful issues in our business and society, collaborating on solutions that support these goals.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Education contributes to reducing inequalities, empowering people around the world to lead healthier and more sustainable lives.
Our contribution: We remain strongly committed to providing training opportunities for all people, whether they are employees or young people in their final years of secondary school.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Access to health and well-being is a human right, and this is why the Sustainable Development Agenda offers a new opportunity to ensure that all people, not just those with the highest purchasing
power, can access the highest standards of health and healthcare.
Our contribution: From Arcos Dorados and the McDonald’s system of which we are part, we work to keep families with children receiving medical treatment together and close to specialists. In addition, we are constantly evolving, providing changes in our menu offerings and alternatives to bring children to incorporate new habits into their daily lives.